Fang-Yu Lin

Fang-Yu Lin


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Fang-Yu started his position in the Department of Surgical and Interventional Engineering at King’s College London (KCL) as a Research Associate in 2019. He is working collaboratively with the team to develop a medical device for visualising the needle tip during an ultrasound-guided needle insertion procedure.

He is a trained mechanical engineer. Since 2010, he has focused on the research of medical devices. So far, while at National Taiwan University, National Chiao Tung University and Imperial College London, he has made prototypes for an upper-limb rehabilitation robot and two surgical robots (for endodontic treatment and vitreoretinal surgery). In 2015, he joined University College London and started research on magnetic hyperthermia. He proposed a new method for remote temperature monitoring in the process. On this basis, he received a PhD in Medical Physics in 2020.

The research tools he uses include: CAD design software (such as SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor), LabVIEW, MATLAB, R and Python.

  • Ultrasonic needle tracking
  • Ultrasound phantom
  • Magnetic hyperthermia
  • Medical robotics
  • Sensors
