Meet Anisha, Martin and Mengjie, CAI4CAI PhD students from the CDT SIE cohort

The Surgical & Interventional Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training delivers translational research to transform patient pathways. Meet some of our talented PhD students is this programme who are engineering better health!

Meet many CDT SIE students on the CDT [youtube channel](
Meet many CDT SIE students on the CDT youtube channel.

Meet Anisha Bahl who is working on a hyperspectral imaging system to extract data in surgical settings to provide a real-time view of critical information for surgeons.

Meet Martin Huber who is working on automating laparoscopic camera motion, a type of minimally invasive surgery.

Meet Mengjie Shie who is looking at how to apply machine and deep learning for signal processing to improve imaging performance in photo acoustic imaging.

Tom Vercauteren
Tom Vercauteren
Professor of Interventional Image Computing

Tom’s research interests include machine learning and computer assisted interventions

Anisha Bahl
Anisha Bahl
PhD Student

Anisha is a PhD student in the Surgical and Interventional Engineering CDT supervised by Prof. Tom Vercauteren.

Martin Huber
Martin Huber
PhD Student

Martin is a PhD Student with research interests in automatic surgical procedures

Mengjie Shi
Mengjie Shi
PhD Student

Mengjie is a PhD student in the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s College London, supervised by Dr. Wenfeng Xia and Prof. Tom Vercauteren.