Navodini W. and Muhammed A. won the second place of WIM-WILL Competition at MICCAI 2022
WiM-WILL is a digital platform that provides MICCAI members to share their career pathways to the outside world in parallel to MICCAI conference. Muhammad Asad (interviewer) and Navodini Wijethilake (interviewee) from our lab group participated in this competition this year and secured the second place. Their interview was focused on overcoming challenges in research as a student. The link to the complete interview is available below and on youtube.

In MICCAI, Navodini also presented her work on ‘Boundary Distance Loss for Intra-/Extra-meatal Segmentation of Vestibular Schwannoma’ at the 5th workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging (MLCN). In this work, we propose a staged approach, with the first stage performing the whole tumour segmentation and the second stage performing the intra-/extra-meatal segmentation using the T2 MRI along with the mask obtained from the first stage. To improve on the accuracy of the predicted meatal boundary, we introduce a task-specific loss which we call Boundary Distance Loss.