
Open-access Spatio-temporal Atlas of the Developing Fetal Brain with Spina Bifida Aperta

Lucas led on the development of the first fetal brain atlas for spina bifida aperta (SBA). This first-time atlas will allow researchers to perform measurements of the brain’s anatomy and to study its development in a large population of unborn babies with SBA

Navodini W. and Muhammed A. won the second place of WIM-WILL Competition at MICCAI 2022

WiM-WILL is a digital platform that provides MICCAI members to share their career pathways to the outside world in parallel to MICCAI conference. Muhammad Asad (interviewer) and Navodini Wijethilake (interviewee) from our lab group participated in this competition this year and secured the second place. Their interview was focused on overcoming challenges in research as a student. The link to the complete interview is available below and on youtube.

Yijing Xie awarded Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship

Yijing has been awarded the prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship for her research in the development of tools to help neurosurgeons during surgery.

Multi-label Scribbles Support in MONAI Label v0.4.0

Recent release of MONAI Label v0.4.0 extends support for multi-label scribbles interactions to enable scribbles-based interactive segmentation methods.

CAI4CAI team member Muhammad Asad contributed to the development, testing and review of features related to scribbles-based interactive segmentation in MONAI Label.

FAROS Integration Week at Balgrist University Hospital
Our team is getting ready to test FAROS technology in the operating room. From left to right: [Tom](/author/tom-vercauteren/), [Martin](/author/martin-huber), [Anisha](/author/anisha-bahl), and [Matt](/author/matthew-elliot).
Our team is getting ready to test FAROS technology in the operating room. From left to right: Tom, Martin, Anisha, and Matt.

The FAROS consortium had a fantastic and highly productive time working at the labs of Balgrist Campus AG and the operating room at Balgrist University Hospital this week.