
Video for the ROS-PyByllet Interface

This video presents work lead by Christopher E. Mower. The ROS-PyBullet Interface is a framework between the reliable contact simulator PyBullet and the Robot Operating System (ROS) with additional utilities for Human-Robot Interaction in the simulated environment. This work was presented at the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2022. The corresponding paper can be found at PMLR.

Open-source package for fast generalised geodesic distance transform

Muhammad led the development of FastGeodis, an open-source package that provides efficient implementations for computing Geodesic and Euclidean distance transforms (or a mixture of both), targetting efficient utilisation of CPU and GPU hardware. This package is able to handle 2D as well as 3D data, where it achieves up to a 20x speedup on a CPU and up to a 74x speedup on a GPU as compared to an existing open-source library that uses a non-parallelisable single-thread CPU implementation. Further in-depth comparison of performance improvements is discussed in the FastGeodis documentation.