
Congratulations to Dr. Rémi Delaunay!

A great milestone today for Rémi Delaunay who passed his PhD viva with minor corrections! His thesis is entitled “Computational ultrasound tissue characterisation for brain tumour resection”.

Thanks to Pierre Gélat and Greg Slabaugh for their role examining the thesis.

Meet Anisha, Martin and Mengjie, CAI4CAI PhD students from the CDT SIE cohort

The Surgical & Interventional Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training delivers translational research to transform patient pathways. Meet some of our talented PhD students is this programme who are engineering better health!

PhD opportunity on "Exploiting multi-task learning for endoscopic vision in robotic surgery"

Project overview:

Overview of the project objective. Laparoscopic image courtesy of [ROBUST-MIS](
Overview of the project objective. Laparoscopic image courtesy of ROBUST-MIS.

Project summary

Multi-task learning is common in deep learning, where clear evidence shows that jointly learning correlated tasks can improve on individual performances. Notwithstanding, in reality, many tasks are processed independently. The reasons are manifold:

CAI4CAI presenters at MICCAI 2021

CAI4CAI will be presenting their work at MICCAI 2021, the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, held from 27 September to 1 October 2021 as a virtual event.